Brooklin Wallis is a community activist and politician who is dedicated to helping her city become the best it can be. She has education in environmental tech and experience in retail, trades, and sales, and a true passion for people.
Incensed by heartless renovictions and a bulldozer being used on local homeless people, she ran for Kitchener City Council in 2022. Since then she's become a staple of her community; she joined the board of FairVote Canada Waterloo to fight for electoral reform and the board of Spectrum, Waterloo Region's Rainbow Community Gathering Space. She was also elected chair of Kitchener's Climate Change and Environmental Committee and went on to cofound the Waterloo Region chapter of ACORN after local affordable housing was allowed to be paved over for a parking lot.
Brooklin's passions include biking, meeting new people, being safe when walking next to cars, zoning reform, green spaces, climate change, and her west highland terrier, Tobi.
Brooklin looks to continue her fight for public transit, walkable cities, workers' rights, and housing affordability in Queen's Park.